2017年8月4日 星期五

Sutter's Mill

Sutter's Mill 丹·佛格柏

In the Spring of Forty-seven,
So the story, it is told,
Old John Sutter went to the mill site
Found a piece of shining gold.
Well, he took it to the city
Where the word, like wildfire, spread.
And old John Sutter soon came to wish he'd
Left that stone in the river bed.
For they came like herds of locusts
Every woman, child and man
In their lumbering Conestogas
They left their tracks upon the land.
Some would fail and some would prosper
Some would die and some would kill
Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance
And some would curse John Sutter's Mill.
Well, they came from New York City,
And they came from Alabam'
With their dreams of finding fortunes
In this wild unsettled land.
Well, some fell prey to hostile arrows
As they tried to cross the plains.
And some were lost in the Rocky Mountains
With their hands froze to the reins.
Some would fail and some would prosper
Some would die and some would kill
Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance
And some would curse John Sutter's Mill.
Well, some pushed on to California
And others stopped to take their rest.
And by the Spring of Eighteen-sixty
They had opened up the west.
And then the railroad came behind them
And the land was plowed and tamed,
When Old John Sutter went to meet his maker,
He'd not one penny to his name.
Some would fail and some would prosper
Some would die and some would kill
Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance
And some would curse John Sutter's Mill.
And some would curse John Sutter's Mill
Some men's thirsts are never filled.
作詞/作曲:Dan Fogelberg
《Sutter's Mill》歌詞 © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

2017年8月3日 星期四

一吠喚醒昏迷主人 英收容狗狗獲特殊嘉獎

一吠喚醒昏迷主人 英收容狗狗獲特殊嘉獎



主人感染肺炎 呼吸停止陷昏迷

安迪(Andy Szasz)是一位土木工程師,今年62歲。他曾在2012年被診斷出大腸癌,幸運的是,他擊退了癌症病魔存活下來。去年12月底,他因感染肺炎被送入南安普敦綜合醫院(Southampton General Hospital)。隔天,他呼吸停止,醫生判斷這是用藥導致昏迷,將其送入加護病房。院方告知家屬,安迪至少會昏迷一個禮拜以上。
看著昏迷的丈夫,安迪的妻子艾斯特爾(Estelle Szasz)決定做點什麼來幫助他。她想把家中4歲的泰迪接來醫院,希望牠可以給安迪帶來鼓勵與慰藉;即便他仍然處在昏迷狀態也沒有關係,她希望泰迪可以作為陪伴。

愛犬走入病房 主人奇蹟甦醒




助主人復原功不可沒 獲特殊榮譽獎

泰迪在「皇家防止動物虐待協會」(RSPCA)的頒獎典禮。(視頻截圖)安迪帶泰迪接受「皇家防止動物虐待協會」(RSPCA)頒發的本年度動物獎(Animal Award)。

幫助主人提早從昏迷狀態甦醒,又幫助他快速復原,這接連的功勳促成「皇家防止虐待動物協會」特別頒發一個榮譽獎項——「動物獎」(Animal Award)給泰迪。

攜寵物入院 帶來良好復原效果

「我們鼓勵家屬將寵物帶到醫院的庭院,我們也有飼養寵物貓,牠們能夠給病人、家屬、朋友或是員工都帶來相當大的益處。」南安普敦綜合醫院加護病房(ICU)的資深護士費歐娜(Fiona Hall)表示,「牠們能夠起到激勵的作用,並且真的能夠幫助病人加快復原,因為牠們能夠帶來歡樂與親切感,陪病人度過待在醫院裡既漫長又不舒服的時光。」
